Slides from lectures:
There will be an occasional set of lecture slides appearing in the course, and they'll be available on this page.
The slides are clickable pdf's, with links to relevant web pages, section links in the sidebar, and navigation icons at the bottom of each slide. The reference section for each set of slides includes links to papers, and superscript citation numbers link to the reference section if present (please let me know if any links behave badly).
If you want a printed copy, the handouts provide condensed and collapsed versions of the slides
The `lecture' pdf's include all the incremental reveals whereas the `slides' pdf's have flattened frames and are better for reading online.
- Chapter 2, Lecture 1/25 (Intro, the three
[slides] [handout] [lecture] - Chapter 2, Lecture 2/25 (Solving Ax =
[slides] [handout] [lecture] - Chapter 2, Lecture 7 (Review):
[slides] [handout] [lecture] - Chapter 3 and Sections 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3, Lecture 15
[slides] [handout] [lecture] - Positive Definite Matrices and other things,
Lecture 26:
[slides] [handout] [lecture] [podcast] - Chapter 6, Lecture 28 (Funamental Theorem of Linear
Algebra, SVD):
[slides] [handout]
(Note: I use the splendid LaTeX class beamer coupled with some surreptitious perl scripts to generate these slides.)
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