Slides from Lectures:
The slides below are clickable pdf's, with links to relevant articles and web pages, section links in the sidebar, and navigation icons at the bottom of each slide. The reference section for each set of slides includes links to papers, and superscript citation numbers link to the reference section as well (please let me know if any links behave badly).
If you want a printed copy, the handouts provide condensed and collapsed versions of the slides.
The `lecture' pdf's include all the incremental reveals whereas the `slides' pdf's have flattened frames and are better for reading online.
- First lecture given by guest speaker Dr. Josh
Bongard from the Computer Science Department, entitled
"Topological Modeling of Nonlinear Systems through
Active Interrogation" [lecture].
Based on "Automated reverse engineering of nonlinear dynamical systems by Josh Bongard and Hod Lipson,
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., Vol 104, pp. 9943–9948, 2007.
- Overview of complex systems:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Overview of complex networks:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Scintillating slides celebrating scaling:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- More scalingorama. Power-law size distributions:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Mechanisms leading to power-law size distributions
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- A touch of Zipf:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Mechanisms leading to power-law size distributions
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Some recent findings regarding language evolution:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- A brief discussion of Benford's law:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Lognormals and other impediments to universality:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Overview of contagion and biological contagion:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
- Social contagion:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
Not this time:
- Generalized contagion:
[slides] [handout] [lecture]
Extra stuff:
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