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Testing the metabolic theory of ecology

C. Price, J. S. Weitz, V. Savage, J. Stegen, A. Clarke, D. Coomes, P. S. Dodds, R. Etienne, A. Kerkhoff, K. McCulloh, K. Niklas, H. Olff, and N. Swenson

Ecology Letters, 15, 1465–1474, 2012

Times cited: 197


The Metabolic Theory of Ecology (MTE) predicts the effects of body size and temperature on metabolism through considerations of vascular distribution networks and biochemical kinetics. MTE has also been extended to characterize processes from cellular to global levels. MTE has generated both enthusiasm and controversy across a broad range of research areas. However, most efforts that claim to validate or invalidate MTE have focused on testing predictions. We argue that critical evaluation of MTE also requires strong tests of both its theoretical foundations and simplifying assumptions. To this end we synthesize available information and find that MTE's original derivations are incomplete and require additional assumptions to obtain the full scope of attendant predictions. Moreover, although some of MTE's simplifying assumptions are well supported by data, others are inconsistent with empirical tests and even more remain untested. Further, though many predictions are empirically supported on average, work remains to explain the often large variability in data. We suggest that greater effort be focused on evaluating MTE's underlying theory and simplifying assumptions in order to help delineate the scope of MTE, generate new theory, and shed light on fundamental aspects of biological form and function.
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  author =	 {Price, C. and Weitz, J. S. and Savage, V. and
                  Stegen, S. and Clarke, A. and Coomes, D. and Dodds,
                  P. S. and Etienne, R. and Kerkhoff, A. and McCulloh,
                  K.  and Niklas, K. and Olff, H.  and Swenson, N. },
  title =	 {Testing the metabolic theory of ecology},
  journal =	 {Ecology Letters},
  year =	 {2012},
  key =		 {networks,biology},
  volume =	 {15},
  pages =	 {1465–1474},


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