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Game story space of professional sports: Australian rules football

D. P. Kiley, A. J. Reagan, L. Mitchell, C. M. Danforth, and P. S. Dodds

Physical Review E, 93, 052314, 2016

Times cited: 16

Logline: The score-differential time lines for Australian Rules Football populate a continuum of "Game Stories" which can be parsed at various levels to produce meaningful motifs including the massive comeback, the thrashing, and the nailbiter. Australian Rules produces superdiffusive games rather than pure random walks. Our work can be generalized to other sports.


Sports are spontaneous generators of stories. Through skill and chance, the script of each game is dynamically written in real time by players acting out possible trajectories allowed by a sport's rules. By properly characterizing a given sport's ecology of 'game stories', we are able to capture the sport's capacity for unfolding interesting narratives, in part by contrasting them with random walks. Here, we explore the game story space afforded by a data set of 1,310 Australian Football League (AFL) score lines. We find that AFL games exhibit a continuous spectrum of stories rather than distinct clusters. We show how coarse-graining reveals identifiable motifs ranging from last minute comeback wins to one-sided blowouts. Through an extensive comparison with biased random walks, we show that real AFL games deliver a broader array of motifs than null models, and we provide consequent insights into the narrative appeal of real games.
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  author = 	 {Kiley, Dilan Patrick and Reagan, Andrew J. and Mitchell, Lewis and Danforth, Christopher M. and Dodds, Peter Sheridan},
  title = 	 {The game story space of professional sports: {A}ustralian {R}ules {F}ootball},
  journal = 	 {Physical Review E},
  year = 	 {2016},
  key = 	 {sport,randomness,stories},
  volume = 	 {93},
  PTpages = 	 {052314},


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