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Direct, physically motivated derivation of triggering probabilities for spreading processes on generalized random networks

K. D. Harris, J. L. Payne, and P. S. Dodds

Times cited: 1


We derive a general expression for the probability of global spreading starting from a single infected seed for contagion processes acting on generalized, correlated random networks. We employ a simple probabilistic argument that encodes the spreading mechanism in an intuitive, physical fashion. We use our approach to directly and systematically obtain triggering probabilities for contagion processes acting on a collection of random network families including bipartite random networks. We find the contagion condition, the location of the phase transition into an endemic state, from an expansion about the disease-free state.
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  author =	 {Harris, Kameron D. and Payne, Joshua L. and Dodds,
                  Peter Sheridan},
  title =	 {Direct, physically-motivated derivation of
                  triggering probabilities for contagion processes
                  acting on correlated random networks},
  year =	 {2014},
  note =         {\href{https://arxiv.org/abs/1108.5398}{https://arxiv.org/abs/1108.5398}},
  key =		 {contagion},


Random paper