Collective philanthropy: Describing and modeling the ecology of giving
W. L. Gottesman, A. J. Reagan, and P. S. Dodds
PLoS ONE, 9, e98876, 2014
Times cited: 9
Reflective of income and wealth distributions, philanthropic gifting appears to follow an approximate power-law size distribution as measured by the size of gifts received by individual institutions. We explore the ecology of gifting by analysing data sets of individual gifts for a diverse group of institutions dedicated to education, medicine, art, public support, and religion. We find that the detailed forms of gift-size distributions differ across but are relatively constant within charity categories. We construct a model for how a donor's income affects their giving preferences in different charity categories, offering a mechanistic explanation for variations in institutional gift-size distributions. We discuss how knowledge of gift-sized distributions may be used to assess an institution's gift-giving profile, to help set fundraising goals, and to design an institution-specific giving pyramid.
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Extra: On 2015/12/w16, we discussed this paper on a Reddit AMA archived here:
@Article{gottesman2014a, author = {Gottesman, William G. and Reagan, Andrew James and Dodds, Peter Sheridan}, title = {Collective philanthropy: {D}escribing and modeling the ecology of giving}, journal = {PLoS ONE}, year = {2014}, key = {philanthropy}, volume = {9}, pages = {e98876}, }