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Slightly generalized Generalized Contagion: Unifying simple models of biological and social spreading

P. S. Dodds

Complex Spreading Phenomena in Social Systems, 2018

Times cited: 6


We motivate and explore the basic features of generalized contagion, a model mechanism that unifies fundamental models of biological and social contagion. Generalized contagion builds on the elementary observation that spreading and contagion of all kinds involve some form of system memory. We discuss the three main classes of systems that generalized contagion affords, resembling: simple biological contagion; critical mass contagion of social phenomena; and an intermediate, and explosive, vanishing critical mass contagion. We also present a simple explanation of the global spreading condition in the context of a small seed of infected individuals.
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  author =	 {Dodds, Peter Sheridan},
  title =	 {Slightly generalized {G}eneralized {C}ontagion:
                  {U}nifying simple models of biological and social
  booktitle =	 {Complex Spreading Phenomena in Social Systems},
  key =		 {contagion,spreading,statistical mechanics,networks},
  publisher =	 {Springer, Cham},
  year =	 {2018},
  editor =	 {Lehmann, Sune and Ahn, Yong-Yeol},
  pages =	 {67–80},


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