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Optimal form of branching supply and collection networks

P. S. Dodds

Physical Review Letters, 104, 048702, 2010

Times cited: 101


For the problem of efficiently supplying material to a spatial region from a single source, we present a simple scaling argument based on branching network volume minimization that identifies limits to the scaling of sink density. We discuss implications for two fundamental and unresolved problems in organismal biology and geomorphology: how basal metabolism scales with body size for homeotherms and the scaling of drainage basin shape on eroding landscapes.
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  title =	 {Optimal Form of Branching Supply and Collection
  author =	 {Dodds, Peter Sheridan},
  journal =	 {Phys. Rev. Lett.},
  year =	 {2010},
  key =		 {networks},
  volume =	 {104},
  number =	 {4},
  pages =	 {048702},
  numpages =	 {4},
  doi =		 {10.1103/PhysRevLett.104.048702},
  publisher =	 {American Physical Society}


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