Happening now:

Previously on ...


  • The first two weeks of PoCS, Vol. 2 are done.
  • We have made our way through a smorgasbord of ideas about stories
  • The invitation is to think, explore.
  • Reminder: PoCS is an in-between classwork and research kind of place
  • Assignments will be maybe once every two weeks or so

Exciting notes for PoCS, Vol. 1 and Vol. 2:

  • Office hours may change from week to week, and will always be on Teams if not also in person. Always check the Teams calendar for confirmation.
  • Deadlines for assignments: 11:59 pm on Mondays. Please try to set an earlier deadline for yourself that works with your schedule.
  • Deadlines for projects: 11:59 pm on Fridays.

  • The introductory basics for the PoCSverse:

    This is a short note to welcome you to PoCS, Vol 1., now in its 20th Season (kind of). PoCS, Vol 2. will follow up in Spring, 2025.

    Our theme is Arrested Development.

    The theme inside and outside our theme is always stories.

    (PoCS is a fun-but-very-serious course.)

    Things to know:

    1. The Deliverator has been building the course for many years and has a full set of lecture slides online coupled with a storehouse of clips and lecture-long videos. New videos will be added as needed. And of course, things keep changing in the world and relevant videos may be added throughout the semester.
    2. Like every season, we will work to adapt and improve PoCS throughout the semester but acknowledge that everyone involved may be confronting and overcoming new kinds of difficulties.
    3. Instructions will appear here and on Microsoft Teams throughout the semester (you're on the page now).
    4. PoCS will have an ARD (Assistant to the Regional Deliverator).
    5. For office hours, we will likely be interacting through Microsoft Teams (you will be signed up automatically).
    6. We also have a Slack space for all students in Complex Systems and Data Science courses and programs.
    7. Archived versions of all courses are listed here:

    Plan for the course:

    1. We will lay out the course through retellings of Stories of the PoCS.
    2. All clips and slides will be stored and organised here and here.
    3. There will be (maybe) 10 assignments and 1 project (small groups).
    4. There will again be no dioramas. Funding issues
    5. Assignments and project updates will be due by 3:00 pm on Fridays.
    6. Grades and assignment submission will work through Brightspace (the only use for the course).
    7. We will determine when office hours works best for everyone in the first week. We may have to adapt throughout the semester.

    As for every edition of PoCS, the Deliverator encourages you to work together in groups. Because humans.