PDF version (guaranteed to be at least 97% gluten and spam free with all silly bits removed).

Please use the LaTeX template available on Overleaf.

Due Not due

Please deliver your finely crafted materials per instructions on the assignment.

PDF version (guaranteed to be at least 97% gluten and spam free with all silly bits removed).

Please use the LaTeX template available on Overleaf.

Due Not due

Please deliver your finely crafted materials per instructions on the assignment.



Assignment format and submission:

  • Grad students are required to use LaTeX. Optional for undergrads.
  • Please submit PDFs per instructions on assignment.
  • Note: Please scan your assignment if not using LaTeX and submit a single PDF.
  • Once projects are underway, please submit your project’s current draft in pdf format via Blackboard.
  • For projects, please include links to your Github/Gitlab/Git pages production and note updates made there.

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